Animal Management

Please use the index below to select a help topic. Alternatively, you can find these topics linked directly from the areas they cover in Vet-One.


From the Main Vet-One menu select Animals >Find animal by name

***Short cut - ESC A will take you to the find animal by names search. *****

In any of these searches, inserting an asterisk ( * ) will provide a wild card to broaden your search criteria, e.g. searching for "*tig" will return results for all animals with "tig" somewhere in their name, regardless of what comes before it, or "mr*tig" will return results for all animals with "tig" in their name, but only if "mr" comes somewhere before hand.

Find Animal by Animal Name (Find Animal by name in Animals menu on left hand sideEnter all or part of the animal name (free format text field)
Find Animal by postcodeSearch by the animal owner's post code. (free format text field)
Find Animal by Animal/Client Names (Find animal by names in Animals menu on left hand side)Search by both the animal's name and owner's surname, with a forward slash "/" separating them.
Find Animal by ID ChipSearch by the animal's microchip number.
Find Animal by Reference number   Enter the animals' unique Vet-One reference number. (free format text field)
Find Animal by Markings(Free Format text field)
Find Recent Clinical History for AnimalsSelect to view a list animals, clients, addresses and clinical histories of the 20 most recent histories added to your Vet-One system.
Animal ReportsSelect to view the available animal reports (Animal Reminders, deceased, registrations and Animal microchip registration)
Lab ReportsSelect either Lab reports or Lab report by Animal to view recent electronic lab reports
Animal Locations (if enabled)Select this to add or delete a location e.g. a boarding kennel
Animal Module SetupAnimal Genders, Animals species, Animal breeds, Breed Colours, Body Score Index, Animal status, Clinical diagnosis types, Insurance companies, Condolence Letters, Move Animal Records, Clinical Diagram Templates and Change Animal owner


From Vet-One: Animals > Reports >

Animals by date of birth
SpeciesSelect Species from the drop down menu (Default All)
Date of birth afterEnter date in the format DD / MM / YYYY (numeric fields) or use the select button and pick the date from the calender
Date of birth beforeEnter date in the format DD / MM / YYYY (numeric fields) or use the select button and pick the date from the calender
Generate ReportThis generates of list of Animal & client addresses

Animal Birthdays
Start DateSelect the date by clicking the default date and select the month, year and then day from the calendar
End DateSelect the date by clicking the default date and select the month, year and then day from the calendar
BranchChoose a branch from the drop down list or leave at default (all)
Discount PlanChoose a plan from the drop down list or leave at default.
Output formatSelect and output from the drop down list and then Create

Export to fileThe report is exported to an excel spread sheet for mail merging. Save the file as a CSV file to a local machine.

Start date and End Date      Select the start and end dates for the period you would like to see outstanding reminders for.

If the period is in the past, any reminder which has not been fulfilled (eg that animal has not had another vaccination of that kind with the practice since then)
will be shown, allowing you to see those that are outstanding.

SiteChoose whether to narrow the report down to one site's clients, or all sites'.
Reminder typesSelect a type of reminder to report on.
Label outputSelect whether to generate one label per animal, or one per client.

Once the report has been generated, you can use the "Generate Labels" button to print the address labels as you would prescription labels.

"Export to PC" will open the list as an Excel spreadsheet, which you can make changes to; you can also use it to create a mail merge in Word.

Finally, click the "Update Client Contact History" button to save any entry to each client's Contact History, noting that the reminder has been sent.

Lab Reports

Lab Reports may be stored within Vet-One in several ways. They can be re-typed into the animal clinical history, copied and pasted into the animal clinical history or scanned and placed as attachments to the animal clinical history.

Lab Reports can also be sent from labs that support VetEnvoy directly into the animal notes. These are stored under lab reports and their arrival is notified to the vet responsible for the animal, the person who requested the lab test and the person deemed by the Vet-One system Administrator to be responsible for Lab Reports at that branch.

Lab Requests

A Lab Request is the first stage in getting a Lab Report from a Lab that supports electronic Lab Reports and uses VetEnvoy. You can check which Labs support VetEnvoy and eLabReports by looking at the supplier list in the Products and Services Module setup.

The Lab Request can be generated from the Animal Overview or by the creation of an Invoice Transaction sale of a Lab Test by placing it on an Invoice.

Requested Lab Tests are created and if approved by an authorised person, can be transmitted to the External Lab. The External Lab will acknowledge the receipt of the Lab Request and provide additional information such as the conditions for carriage and cost to the practice. If the Lab test is not received within a timely period the Lab should make contact to investigate why they have not received sample.

Microchip Registration

Before Proceeding

It is essential that you know which microchip database your microchip supplier utilises.  If it is Anibase or Petlog then you must obtain your Practice Identification Number (PIN) and send it to Vet-One Support along with your practice (and if applicable, branch) details.  Please then await confirmation that your PIN has been recorded before attempting to register any microchips from within Vet-One.

For example:  Virbac's "BackHome" chips are registered with Petlog.  Therefore, you would need to obtain your PIN from Petlog. 

To Register a Microchip

Navigate to the animal overview in the usual way (e.g. via the client overview or "Find animal by..." search option).

In the left hand menu you will see a heading "Passport - Microchip":

Choose this option to display the animal's microchip details.

Click the "Edit" button to update the information (the screenshot below shows the section of the page to edit outlined in red):

Change "Has microchip" to "yes" and complete the registration information.

It is not necessary to select the microchip database as this will be determined for you by the microchip number itself and only needs to be completed if you are not registering a new microchip on-line (e.g. inputting chip details for a newly registered animal whose microchip has been registered previously by another practice).

Save the changes you have made.

You will now see a button to click to Register the Microchip.

The Microchip Registration Date field will display "Sent" and the page will auto-refresh while Vet-One awaits a reply from the microchip company.  Please be patient!

When Vet-One receives a reply from the microchip company the Microchip Registration Date field will display "Registered".

A registration certificate link will now appear.  Click on the link to display the certificate and print it out.
Depending on your microchip provider, you may only be able to view the registration certificate once - We recommend that you print out the certificate immediately. 

If Your Microchip Registration Fails 

Should the microchip registration company consider your data as incomplete, you will get an error message from them saying what is wrong.

You should click the button to re-register the microchip, correct or add the missing data and attempt to register the microchip again. If there is more data required by the microchip registration company you may need to repeat this process more than once.

If you think all the data is correct and complete but the microchip is still not registering, you should contact the microchip registration company to find out why they are rejecting your registration.

Some (but not all) microchip registration companies will reject a registration if:

  • The client first name or initials is missing.
  • The client email is missing.
  • The Home and/or Work telephone number is missing.

Animal Module Setup

Animal Genders

Here you can create the gender options for animals registered to your practice.

To edit a pre-existing gender, click its name and the "Edit Animal Gender" button. To delete a pre-existing gender, select it using the radio button beside its name, and click the "Delete Animal Gender" button. To restore a deleted gender, select it using the radio button beside its name, and when the "Delete Animal Gender" button changes to the "Restore Animal Gender" button, click it.

To create a new gender, click the "Create Animal Gender" button at the bottom of the genders list.

DescriptionThe gender's "name" - will appear on animal records.
Neutered Form        Is this gender specific to neutered or entire animals? When creating a neutered gender, leave this field on "unspecified".
When creating an "entire" gender, link it to the neutered form by selecting its name from this drop-down list.
Letter Gender

Specifies what gender should be assumed in letters/forms generated by Vet-One.

It is important that this gender is correct as not only will it dictate the gender pronouns used to refer to an animal in any practice correspondence but it will also dictate whether an animal is identified as male or female when their microchip is registered through Vet-One. E.g. "Female" should use "Female - She/Her/Hers"

Animal Species

Here you can create the different species for animals registered at the practice.

Create SpeciesEnter a description (e.g. canine, dog or reptile) in the free format text field and create the species
Edit Animal Species OptionsSelect the species you wish to edit e.g. reptile. Edit Species allows you to edit the Description. Attach Picture allows you to attach a Species picture or View Breeds.
Attach PictureTo add an animal species picture browse to the picture on your computer in the usual way (only.jpg/.gif files are supported) select the picture and then safe changes.
View BreedsSelect this to view any breeds associated with this species. If the required breed is not shown then select Create Breed.

Animal Breeds

Here you can create different animal breeds.

Create BreedSelect the species from the drop down menu that you wish to create a breed for e.g. dog. Select the Create Breed Button (you can also delete a breed from here by choosing the breed to be deleted and then the Delete Breed button. Enter the breed in the free format <description> field. Select the new breed from the list to add an animal colour.

Animal Colours

Animal ColoursSelect the breed that you have entered and then select the View Colours button. To create a colour select the Create Colour button (you can also delete colours from here. Add the new colour in the Description box and then select the Create Breed Colour button. Repeat the process until all the breed colours are added.

Animal Blood Types

Animal Blood TypesSelect the species from the drop down button (e.g dog). Then create a blood type, and fill in the description, then press the create button. You can also delete a blood type by selecting it and pressing the delete blood type button.

Body Score Index

The purpose of the Body Score Index is to determine the Fat/fitness of the animal

Create Body ScoreSelect the "Create body score" button. Enter a Description (free format text field), then click save changes.

Animal Status

The purpose of the Animal status is to determine the current information of the animal.

Create Animal StatusSelect the "Create Animal Status" button. Enter a Description (free format text field), then click save changes, You can choose to add reminders by selecting the dropdown box and choosing between yes and no, you can also choose to have mailshot but doing the same process. '

Diagnosis Types

The Diagnosis can be based on your own internal choice or the Venom codes. It will act as a header in the clinical notes so that they can be filtered for a particular diagnosis or as the claimable condition on the insurance claims.

Create DiagnosisSelect the "Clinical Diagnosis Type" icon. Select the "Create Clinical Diagnosis button. Enter a description in the free format text field. You can now enter any text to be included on a letter for this diagnosis type, Select form the drop down menu if it is an RVC code or enter any text you wish to appear, pre-populated, on the clinical history. To save the information

Insurance Companies

Here you can enter a new Insurance Company.

Create Insurance CompanySelect Create Company and then enter the company details in the free format text fields. Select "Create Company" button
Vet Envoy SupportCompanies that support electronic claims will contact the practice management companies to set up the interface to allow electronic claims. Contact or telephone:01252 683554

Condolence Letters

To print a condolence letter select animal and print letter from the "quick bar" located on the animal overview.

Move Animal Records

This can be found under Vet-one> Animal Management> Animal Modules Setup:

If a duplicate animal record is added in error then it is possible to merge the two records together into one clinical record.

The animal reference number can be located on the animal overview.

move from (Animal Reference number - move from)
move to (Animal Reference number - move to)

Then select the "Move records" button.

Clinical Diagram Templates

Clinical diagram templates can be added to the system via the Animal Module Setup menu:

Once there, click “Add template” at the foot of the list:

You can now attach, name and size template images for use as clinical diagrams. When you’re finished, click “Save Changes”:

Your diagram will now be available for use as a clinical diagram.

Change Animal Owner

If a client re-homes one of their pets to another of your clients, it is possible to easily move the animal's records across to its new owner's account, to preserve its history rather than starting anew. Please note that the invoices for the animal will remain on the old owner's account, and will not be moved.

From the Vet-One main page, select the "Animals" directory, then "Animal module setup", and "Change animal owner". (If you cannot see "Animal module setup" then you have not been allocated the permissions to do so - please see your practice's administrator.) You will be presented with two fields.

Animal Reference number - move animal

This number can be found under the pet's Animal Overview page:

Client Reference number - move to client

This number can be found under the NEW OWNER's Client Overview page:

Click the "Move animal" button, and you will reach an overview of the transfer which is to take place.
If you are satisfied that the information is correct, click "Execute move" to complete the transfer.

Please check the overview of both the involved clients, and the moved animal's history, to check for any discrepancies.